10/4/2023 General meeting minutes

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  • #577
    Thomas Maley

    10/4/2023 CVR General Meeting Minutes @ 2405 N Dick Road, Spokane Valley, WA


    Pledge of Allegiance, moment of silence

    Meeting called to order @ 18:39 hours   47 present

    Officers Present: “Jeramiah” President, “Ginger” Vice President, “Mick” Secretary, “Postie” Treasurer,

    “Jamz” SAA

    Guests: Mike Braden & wife Becky, Navy vet, wants to join club and submitted his membership application and DD-214 to get started. Ann, a friend of the club who has been to several Friday game nights known by many. Cornfed’s sister and brother-in-law Rick. Don, a navy vet, no bike, just came in to say “Hi”.

    President Report: Went to a meeting with the hosts for March for the fallen. They thanked us for helping out and being there. Was a good turnout of members. Jeremiah and a few camped overnight and got an early start on the day of the event. Only rode one Gold Star Mom because they didn’t get the meeting point understood by all and they were scattered. May suggest a shuttle service for them next year. Digger volunteered the use of V-dub’s Bus.

    Gibson Nursery, located at 1401 S Pines Rd, Spokane Valley, on Friday 10/6 is having a customer appreciation event, raffles and silent auction from 10:00 to 16:00 hours, they have donated cement soldier statues for the POW/MIA auction. Maybe the members going to breakfast on Friday can swing by afterward. Jeremiah gets off work at noon and planes to go in the afternoon. They appreciate what we do and look forward to seeing some of us there so please go if you can.

    VP Report: When talking to the owner of the coffee shop next door about parking on his lot for the POW/MIA event he mentioned that at our Sept. 6th meeting there was overflow parking on his lot that blocked the entrance for his customers and he was still open. He stays open till 18:00 so if you are outside and see anyone who is coming to the clubhouse park there, please speak to them and don’t let them block the entrance.

    Have already spoke with a member who may have been responsible for this but just want to make everyone aware that the router was found unplugged. We pay monthly for the service that uses this router so if you work or move things around check and make sure it’s still plugged in, thank you.

    Sec Report: Scheduled a full patch meeting for Wednesday 10/18 @ 18:30 hours. Full patch includes known associates and honorary members.

    Start nominations for President, Secretary, Advocate. Vote in January. You can not nominate yourself for any position, you must be nominated by a full patch member. If nominating someone you must have previously talked with them and know they want to run for that position.

    November meeting will have quilts of valor again.

    Treasurer Report: Postie: Have complete income total from POW/MIA if any full patch members want to see it.

    SAA: Riding season is coming to a close.

    Jeremiah: Friday game nights is still on. Will keep them going into the winter see how turn out goes. Still 18:00 pot luck dinner.

    Events Coordinator: Simo not in attendance

    Rides: Digger: Laz memorial ride, asked for a show of hands on what route to take. Voted to take long route thru Sand Point to east side of Pend Oreille, Thomson pass to Murray. Times still TBD.

    Resource Officer: BBW: Has helped 3 or 4 vets with rent. Many having trouble with back rent when put on hold due to covil-19 pandemic. Helped one with car repair. Last weekend for drag races at Airport Hights, opens at 15:00 races start at 17:00. Asked how he did at the last race, was clocked at 114 mph 14 sec et.

    IT: Pyro: update on web site, it is up and running, some are a little frustrated with it, but still email him with any problems or suggestions you have.

    Chaplain: Precious: Strider has taken up residency at his son’s home. Don’t have address will put out as soon as received. Still recuperating from heart attack. Panhead taking medication, and doctor visits for his cancer. Chief SF buddy is out of hospital still needs to be looked after.  Memaw is having some heart problems, why she hasn’t been around. Tink had foot surgery and is now home recuperating. Wish them all well, keep them in your heart and prayers.

    Fallout asked about more details on Tink’s recovery. She has a wheelchair and walker to assist her but she is trying to put weight on it as much as she can without hearting anything. Thanked Tex and Dawg for building a ramp for the wheelchair with the scrap he had at home. Was asked if the circulation was coming back to her foot, Fallout said her big toe didn’t look to good and she may lose it. When asked how he was doing he said he had help from family and was doing OK.

    Pandhead spoke up and thanked him for coming out and bartending his son Eddie’s wedding Friday, it was very much appreciated. By him and all.

    Tex spoke about his neighbor who is an old veteran and not getting around very well. His wife Linda helps him out quite a lot with lawn mowing and other tasked, very concerned about him. Hadn’t seen him and found out he had been moved to a Hospice for care. Found out he died just the other day, really upset Linda. Just a reminder that life is precious it can be lost in a second.

    Jeremiah: Flames has been relocated and is now at, Spokane Valley Health and Rehabilitation of Cascadia, 17121 East 8th Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99016. Telephone # 509-924-6161. Visiting hours are open all day till 16:00 then use a side door.

    Fund Raising Committee: Precious: the 9/23 fundraiser a Yoke’s did pretty good. Thanked those who assisted, Mick, Conda, Just Rob, Hansil, Weed, Pappy, Chief, Postie and G.

    Advocates: Digger: All we do is voluntary, find something to be passionate about and do it with love and respect for all.    Just Rob: Nothing Pappy: Not in attendance

    Club House: Fallout: Haven’t got a full count on POW/MIA or wedding, but doing good.

    Store: Kare Bear: Should have all shirts for the POW/MIA get in touch whit her to get yours.

    Auxiliary: Radar: Meeting on Tuesday 10/10 18:30. Pointed to large colored spiders and a clown on table are up for sale or auction benefit Christmas for kids.

    Teach November 1st meeting will be giving out 8 quilts of valor just like we did 9/6.

    Sponsors: Dawg: Elvis, needs ride, event, meeting Tex: Conda, needs 3 rides, event, meeting Chief: Justin, still waiting on endorsement Jeremiah: Gnomie: Thanked for posting ride.  Steveo: Delano, needs ride

    BREAK: Voting members stay inside.

    Digger spoke about Cornfed for his full patch and service designator, has fulfilled all requirements.

    Vote taken, unanimous 27 members.

    Jeremiah & Bug: presented Runaway with flash patch. Thanked everyone for it and appreciates being given it.

    Jeremiah & Digger: presented Cornfed with full patch w/ service designator. Sorry that Stumpy had passed before he received his patch, he would have liked to have had him see it.

    Old Business & Miscellaneous Topics? Nothing

    New business: Escort for Bishop 10/13 Start in Post Falls. Momma Bear will get in touch with family for time and place. Will post information on face book. Asked members to look for it.

    Flag line at Celebration of Life for Bruce B. Bishop on 10/14 @ 14:00, at Spokane Eagles North, 6410 N Lidgerwood St., Spokane. Outside flag line in front of entrance for guest to walk thru to get in. Need to be there and set up by 13:00 hours.

    Trunk “n” Treat 10/14 gravel parking lot, Spokane Community College 18:00-19:30. Members interested, get in touch with each other, doesn’t look like anything has been organized for this, just Gemini posting a flyer.

    For Good of the Order:  Chief, the Special Forces Boat lunch and auction is Saturday 11/11. Load @ 12:00 leave @ 12:30, no waiting around. $40.00 per person. Get a hold of him to get a place.

    G started an Axillary auction for the clown Radar pointed out. Started off slow, Stich jumped in and livened things up. Tex started and won the final bid for it. Did the Axillary good.

    Ginger brought up a Donation Rally being put on by Newby-gunning’s, on 10/16 from 09:00 to 17:00 at their location, Looking for canned good and cash. If your free please go, we help them out as much as we can.

    Stich reminded everyone about his redemption ride on Columbus Day. Details are posted on face book.

    Bug said a silent auction item from the POW/MIA was not picked up. A Jessy Mesinger won the item and asked if anyone knows the person let them know we still have it for them.


    Meeting adjourned: 19:58


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