1/4/2023 Voting members meeting minutes
October 21, 2023 at 2:00 pm #566
Thomas Maley
ParticipantCVR Voting Members Meeting 1/4/2023 Minutes
Pledge of Allegiance, moment of silence
Meeting called to order @ 18:34 hours 28 present
Officers Present: President, Jeramiah, Vice President, Ginger, Secretary, Mick, Treasurer, Postie / Bug, SAA, Jamz
Flash patch members Stich and Hussar asked to wait outside clubhouse. Vote taken to make them full patch members. Vote was unanimous for both. Both asked back in and presented their patch and service designator. Digger spoke about knowing Stich from high school and what a hard working member he is. Stich acknowledged what Digger said and how the club has filled a void in his life, very pleased to be a member. Tex said Hussar had worked hard and fast as possible to get his flash patch and now his full patch. Hussar was very impressed with the club and the work we do for veterans. Proud to be made a member, will keep on working hard for the club.
President Report: Glad that winter is a down time for club activities, get a little more family time and get personal things done. It will pick up in March, news will be posted on club face book page and brought up at club meetings.
We have a few blankets for the family in Reardan. Will wait a little longer before delivering to see if more show up. Coordinate with BBW on getting them to Newby-Gunning’s. Have a list of what the family needs.
Want better relationships with individual veterans and what they need help with. Will still give to vet organizations but do more of a one-on-one direct contact.
Received a big thank you from the family and the veteran with ALS who we visited with. Said it meant a lot to them. Will try to make time for another visit.
I will be going down to Lewiston to visit Greta and getting her the donation we voted on. Probably make it an overnighter, maybe in February? Will post the time I am going to see if anybody else wants to go.
VP Report: Thanks to Digger for bringing the bus, now named “Guppy”, to the Christmas extravaganza. Look forward to the coming years getting better.
Sec Report: Ballots for tonight’s elections are on the e-board table, vote on and get in by end of the break
Treasurer Report: Clubs cash balance is a little over $52,000.00.
SAA: Nothing.
Resource Officer: Was sick most of December, catching up, should be done by end of this week. Need of a backup resource officer, Bug agreed to do.
Chaplain: Nothing.
IT: Pyro is working with Scout setting up the requirements we want for the site, getting 3 proposals to build and host it. Will have by next meeting. Scout resigned as IT. Pyro and Postie will work as IT. Hussar volunteered to assist them.
Advocates: Dirt: Nothing, thanked club for allowing him to be an advocate. Panhead: Same as what Dirt said. Digger: Thanked Dirt and Panhead for their work.
Club House: You can now get a chip good for one free drink at the bar. It will cost $3.00, with the idea of members buying them to give out to anyone they meet and show interest in the club. Have them come in for a drink and meet us. Will also help raise revenue.
New advocates: Just Rob, Pappy Vice President: Ginger
Read a thank you letter from Fallen Heroes Project for the help the club has given them over the year
also, a letter from Maria Pope thanking us for the help paying for her husband’s cremation.
Old Business & Miscellaneous Topics: No decision made on how or when to offer project bike to the public until it is running and completely finished. Jamz said by March Motorcycle show and sale.
Memaw donated a painting, done with spray can paint, for the clubhouse.
New business: Motorcycle show coming up in March 10-12, checking with Simo about getting a booth space. Schedule for shifts at the booth will be coming out, please start thinking about the time you can volunteer to help out. Good time for prospects and flash patch to get events in.
Scout told about an army vet, mother of 3, divorced, having troubles paying rent. Has received $200.00 from BBW already, needs $1,000.00 more. Has been vetted by BBW and is legit. Vote taken and passed will give the money to the property owner. BBW will get it there on Thursday.
donation list voted on and passed by members
Walla Walla vets home $500.00
Walla Walla volunteer services $500.00
Vets Court $1,000.00
Spokane Vets Home $1,000.00
Washington State Fallen Heroes Project $1,000.00
Inland Northwest Honor Flight $1,000.00
Vets Garage will not be given a donation, but we will sponsor individual veterans who need help, up to $200.00 ea.
PFVC will not be given a donation, but we will sponsor individual veterans who need help, up to
$200.00 ea.
Newby-ginning’s has received $1,854.15 in food supplies, no more donation for now.
Streightshot brought up the idea of creating a scholarship for club members or other veterans children to help with their education. A committee was formed to look into creating one. Committee members are Scout, Stich, Pyro and Streightshot.
Scout presented the idea of the club hosting a stand down with local businesses offering services and information for veterans, may look into it in the future?
Scout will chair the POW/MIA committee. First meeting on 1/9/2023 @ 18:30 hours.
For Good of the Order: Jamz proposed an idea of the club buying a used bike, at a good price, maybe needs a little work. Keep it at the clubhouse for use by any club member who has a need for a ride. IE members bike down for some reason and a ride or event is coming up. Maybe sell at end of year and get another one. What do the members think? Concerns over insurance were raised. Panhead and Jamz will look into it and report back.
Panhead talked about Dan’s widow Trudy, was told by staff at hospice she does better after visits from Dan’s friends. Asked if you can, please visit her.
Waterdog brought up the flags he was trying to have made up. The issue of using the clubs flash patch and back patch logos was discussed. Only full patch members can own anything with a true color club patch on it.
Ginger reminded everyone that you can not give or sell anything with our Flash patch or Back patch, in true color, to the public or friend. Anything dreamed up using our logos must be presented to the E-board for approval before going ahead with it.
Digger will take care of the clubhouse gravel parking lot.
Meeting adjourned: 20:17 hours
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