12/5/2023 General meeting minutes
December 7, 2023 at 4:50 pm #604
Thomas Maley
ParticipantCVR General Meeting 12/6/2023 Minutes @ 2405 N Dick Road, Spokane Valley, WA
Pledge of Allegiance, moment of silence
Meeting called to order @ 18:35 hours 44 present
Officers Present: “Jeramiah” President, “Ginger” Vice President, “Mick” Secretary, “Bug” and “Postie” Treasurer, “Jamz” SAA
Guests: Wayne Fogal, not a vet, Motorcycle Ministries and ABATE member, known about the club for years. Wanted to attend a meeting and meet people.
President: Hoped everyone had a good Thanksgiving and has planes for the Holidays. Asked Hillbilly to give an update on Nicky’s health.
Hillbilly: First wanted to thank the club for all the support it has offered him during this very bad time it is much appreciated. Nicky was at her chiropractor’s office having a pain in her neck being helped that resulted in her suffering a stroke on her right side. She was taken to Sacred Heart Medical Center and treated for 4 days. Then was taken to St. Luke’s Rehabilitation Institute, where she is right now, and started therapy. She is improving but still has a way to go and hopefully can regain 100%. Will be coming home soon and continue therapy.
At this time Ginger gave Hillbilly the donations that were collected at the brunch and some extra money found available in the clubhouse. Radar presented him an undisclosed amount of cash from the Auxiliary. Teach gave him a bag with a gift inside and will pray for all of them.
President Report: Have set up donation cans with signs designating these funds are for Hillbilly. Will use any overpayment from the bar as a donation. Will continue to help as much as we can till all is well.
The SCOPE group will be using the clubhouse on Friday 12/8. Believe they start at 17:30 hours. There will be no Friday game night because of that.
VP Report: The By-laws committee has done almost a full rewriting of the By-laws. May have one more meeting but holding off till after the holidays.
Sec Report: Nominations for President, Secretary, and 2 Advocates. Vote in January meeting.
Nominees are President, Jeremiah. No new nominations.
Secretary, Mick, Dawg, and Scout. No new nominations.
Advocates, Digger, Tex, Steveo, and Hillbilly. Digger nominated Panhead.
Will post proxy voting instructions on the forum and face book.
Strider will retire, he is in good standing with the club.
Treasurer Report: Bug: Strider has been relocated to the Spokane Veterans Home on 5th Ave., Room #259. Visiting hours are open from 09:00 to 17:00 hours after that need to use side door for entry.
Has last months financial statement for review by any member on the E-board table.
SAA: Nothing for the club. Is coping with the recent loss of a battle buddy and is doing OK, just want everyone to know.
Events Coordinator: Simo not in attendance.
Rides: Digger: Working on rides/ events board and hope to have done in a month. Wants ideas for short rides, 2 to 4 hour long. Asked about interest in overnight rides. Show of hands suggested enough interest to work on that. Lolo pass was one suggested. Will still route 2 trips into Canada.
Resource Officer: BBW: Helped a vet with paying a power bill for his house. Helped a woman with a water pump replacement for her car. Helped another with needed transportation to appointments. We are appreciated in the community for all we do for local veterans in need.
IT: Pyro: ABATE will be hosting the Road Guardians who will be give their class “Accident Scene Management” at our clubhouse on 1/20.2024 start 09:00 to 17:00. It’s an 8-hour class with breaks. It covers a lot of useful information to have if you ever are first at an accident. It is free to ABATE members. It will cost $30.00 – $50.00 for CVR members not in ABATE. FYI you can join ABATE for annual dues of $30.00 and the class is free.
Chaplain: Precious: Keep Strider, Panhead, Hillbilly and Nicky in your hearts and prays. Was asked back to Broadway Court Estates to accept a donation of $600.00 and 100 socks. Gave the socks to a vet’s charity.
Advocates: Digger: Nothing Just Rob: Not in attendance.
Club House: Fallout: Tink had her foot amputation surgery this last Monday and may be home by Friday. She is in good spirits and is looking forward to a full adjustment to her new self. They have to wait for all swelling to completely stop before she can be fitted for a prostatic foot. May have to modify the wheelchair to support her leg for right now. She wants to be ready to ride on the Indian by spring.
Store: Kare Bear: Has flags and POW/MIA shirts in for those that ordered them. Has the cold/hot mugs for sale they make a great gift.
Auxiliary: Radar: Meeting on Monday 12/11? discuss children’s Christmas.
Digger: Has a friend Jessy who wants to help Hillbilly and family have a wonderful Christmas. Have arranged to get the bus to the clubhouse next Thursday at 07:30 load up with people who can participate and go shopping for food and presents for the whole family. Will video tape the whole event and post it on his business website. He will also cove the full cost of everything.
Jeremiah: “Drill Sargent” has 3-wheel endorsement for his CanAm and has been on several rides with us. Has come out of retirement and is back as a full patch member.
Old Business & Miscellaneous Topics? Friday game nights is still on, but not this Friday Pot luck dinner starts at 18:00 hours. Sunday brunch start at 11:00 till 14:00 hours try to do every 2 weeks, maybe hold off over the holidays.
Keep an eye out for posting about both.
New business: 12/16 Christmas dinner clubhouse 17:00 hours. 09:00 men’s extravaganza starts at McCracken’s. Digger checked and V-Dub will let us use the bus. Pass around signup sheet on food for the dinner. Will be doing a gift exchange. Not to exceed $50.00 per gift. Will be white elephant, pick a gift or take one from someone else.
For Good of the Order: Preceious thinks that participation in club activities is good for everyone in the club and hopes to see more. His Labor Union also talked about focusing their charity on Veteran issues.
Meeting adjourned: 19:36
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