12/7/2022 General meeting minutes
October 21, 2023 at 1:53 pm #565
Thomas Maley
ParticipantCVR General Meeting 12/7/2022 Minutes
Pledge of Allegiance, moment of silence
Meeting called to order @ 18:34 hours
Officers Present: President, Jeramiah, Vice President, Ginger, Secretary, Mick, Treasurer, Postie / Bug, SAA, Jamz
President Report: Club has been asked for help from several veterans and their families last month.
1st) Veteran died in auto accident, widow asked for help with cremation cost, E-board voted for a $500.00 donation and the family will cover the balance.
2nd) Mama Bear knows a veteran (Air Force crew chief, 100% disabled) and family, in Reardan whose house has burned down, needs help to clean up property and get started to rebuild in the spring. Wife gave us a list of necessities, will post for members to see.
BBW offered to take the club trailer to Newby-gunning’s and get what he can from the list for them. Will work on scheduling for that.
3rd) Greta’s 2-year-old grandchild had open heart surgery, family needs help with medical and other expenses, E-board voted to donate $500.00 to Greta, because she is a vet., and she can use it as she sees fit to help the family. Accepted by the membership.
4th) The family Dawg is sponsoring in Christmas for vets has gone through a lot of family losses and health issues, needs help to pay back rent. The husband is a retired USMC E-7. Asked for $1,491.00. E-board voted on $500.00, asked the members present if they will cover the balance, The members voted to pay the full amount asked for. Dawg will get the check and present it to the family
Jeramiah talked about donating more to individual veterans in need, not just organizations. Start up a fund to cover that? It was generally accepted by the members present.
Bug announced the Resource Officer has a form to be used when asking for help for an Individual veteran.
VP Report: Nothing.
Sec Report: Ruben Estrada “Gonzo” asked to be retired because of medical reasons, will pay dues up to date. E-boar votes yes. Membership list is updated.
Treasurer Report: Keep your dues up to date, copy of club financial report is available to see, on the E-board table.
SAA: Nothing, but thanked the members for making his job so easy.
Resource Officer: Has been getting a lot of calls, comes with the season. Spoke about some negative responses he has gotten from the businesses that receive the payment from us for the vet. Some don’t think we should be helping the vets. Sorry to hear. Was asked if he need some help with the work load, he said No.
Chaplain: Don Juan’s widow, Trudy, has been moved to a Hospice for health reasons. If you can, try and make a visit to her, it lifts her sprit greatly. Flames can also use a visitor or two whenever anyone can. Precious has the addresses. Rabbit’s wife Kickstand has broken her leg and Rabbit has to go in for surgery soon so keep them in your prayers. Talked with Pompa, doing good, may ask to retire soon.
Jeramiah spoke about going to the big bonfire in Apple, first time after pandemic, saw a lot of people hasn’t seen in a while, overall good time do again next year.
Advocates: Panhead: nothing.
Auxiliary Report: Teach, we have 17 families that we are sponsoring this year. Made a list of meals we will provide, passing around that list for members to sign up for what portion they can provide, all nonperishable, leave the items at the clubhouse and Teach will stop by, pick them up and get them where they need to go. This years Christmas party is adult only, sending around a sign-up sheet for food to bring. Auxiliary is having elections in January.
Club House: Modelo is the beer of the month. Jeramiah spoke about the clubhouse being rented by other veteran groups for meetings. This is good for our income but also good for interacting with other clubs we have common cause we share.
Store: Have the caps in and for sale @ $22.00 each. Have decks of cards with the club logo on them, for sale @ $15.00 each.
Sponsors: Panhead: Nine nothing Tex: Marius due up for patch in Jan. Tex: Tuner working on 3,3 & 3 Scout: Austin working on 3, 3 & 3.
Precious: Donation of $400.00 from Broadway Court Estates. Donation of $100.00 from Jodie, a friend of his wife.
Old Business & Miscellaneous Topics: Saturday is Christmas dinner @ 17:45. The members shopping extravaganza starts @ 09:00 for breakfast @ McKrackins on Sprague in Spokane Valley. Thanks to Digger and especially V-Dub for the use of her party bus.
Jamz: Project bike has new carburetors on, still working on chokes. Putting out donation can again, looking for support.
Cover sheet for donation letter is updated given to POW/MIA committee Bug and Scout.
New business: Nominations for Vice President and 2 Advocates, Just Rob Advocate, Pappy Advocate, Tex Advocate, Dawg Advocate, Ginger Vice President. No more nominations for any open position.
For Good of the Order: Precious: want to start a Fund-Raising committee. Wants to talk with BBW and the Auxiliary about it. Kare Bear and Hillbilly volunteered for the committee. Will start first meeting right after this meeting is finished.
Justin has golden retriever puppies for sale @ $200.00 each.
Hillbilly excused himself from attending the Christmas party because that day is his daughter’s 14th Birthday and he has made her his priority.
Just Rob asked about the state of affairs with the Thank You plaques for our POW/MIA supporters.
Plaques are out of date with the year and need work to repair that. Jeramiah asked the new Fund-Raising committee to look into the best way to fix them.
Meeting adjourned: 19:43 hours
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