3/2/2022 General meeting minutes

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  • #484
    Thomas Maley

    CVR General Meeting 3/2/2022 Minutes

    Officers Present: Rob Hemming “Jeramiah” P, Jeff Bragg “Ginger” VP, Tom Maley “Mick” Sec, Bryan Post “Postie” Treasurer, Joe Minor “Jamz” SAA

    Rob called meeting to order @ 18:32 hours

    Guests: Richard Canning, “Stitch”, USMC & Army service vet, works as an emergency room nurse, rides a 2022 Indian. Gave his DD-214 and applied for membership. Digger will Sponsor

    Rob Ryan, USMC combat vet, works at Mike’s Powersporst Supply, needs a bike. Gave his DD-214 and applied for membership. Dawg will Sponsor.

    Angela Erskine a former member of the club, who quit when moved out of State, is back and would like to rejoin. E-board looking into procedure to reinstate.

    Rob Hatfield, coordinator for ABATE Spokane chapter stopped in to socialize with members and get them familiar with ABATE and what they do.

    President Report:Announced the Vietnam “Moving Wall” will be in Liberty Lake September 15th thru the 19th. Hammer and GEO are working with The Gallant Guards of Liberty on that, and are asking for the POW/MIA ride to make a stop there. Asked full patch members to start up the POW/MIA committee tonight. The following volunteered, Jeramiah, Ginger, Haus, Fallout, Stich, Panhead and Pappy. Sweed will take care of music.

    Have a Thank You card for Fallen Heroes Projects donation of $750.00, ask all members present to sign it.

    VP Report: Nothing to report.

    Sec Report: We have new business cards for use by the general membership. If you have a card with a telephone number other than yours, please do not use anymore. New cards are available at the sign in table.

    Treasurer Report: Financial statement is available for the members to read, it’s on the E-board table. Reminds members to keep paying their dues.

    Resource Officer: Not in attendance.

    SAA: Nothing to report

    Chaplain: Asked for prayers and good thoughts for “Hammer” who now has pneumonia, “Pluto” will be going thru knee surgery and won’t make the bike show, Scout not feeling well enough to attend tonight.

    His physical therapist’s business donated to the club as it has in the past.

    Advocates: “Digger”, a friend of his donated $60.00 to the club. / “Panhead”, Thanked the club members who donated when he asked to help the homeless. / “Dirt”, Thanked everyone for the Birthday wishes.

    Events Coordinator: Frosty Bunz Run on 3/6, time clubhouse 09:00 KSU 09:30 ride registration and start will be at Cruisers.

    Northwest Motorcycle Show & Sale on 3/11-13 loading trailer to start at 09:00 at the clubhouse, “Tex” will pull the trailer.

    Mentioned the ride by on 3/19, times and places are still to be determined. We have a spring opener on 4/28 going thru Palouse.

    Auxiliary Report:</b> “V-Dub” nothing to report.

    Club House: “Fallout”, clubhouse is fine. The Northwest Classics MC has left him 6 books with photos from the Vietnam war. Anyone who wants one can have one.

    Store: “Kare Bear” still having problems getting the club hoodies. She and “Scout” will work on it together. Needs more requests from members for club camo hats, min. order is 60

    Rides Committee: Club rides for 2022 have been posted in the events forum. Jeramiah is in touch with BATAA for a ride by on March 19 for Don Juan, TBD? Added an ex-presidents ride on July 16 day after Panheads birthday, he will be the lead on that.

    Sponsors: “Precious”, Cody has 3 meetings 2 events & 2 rides. “Precious” “Cowboy” awarded Flash Patch. “Bug” “Weed” ready to present to e-board.

    Old Business & Miscellaneous Topics: Talked about bike build, “Sweed”, need carbonators and a few cables and it’s ready to fire up. Will hold off on taking to bike show.

    “Jeramiah” proposed starting our own “Fallen Heroes” banner project. Having smaller banners made of each member who has passed on, and hanging them from the rafters of the clubhouse. Asked if the membership would approve, he will look into the cost. Members present approved.

    “Cowboy” was presented his Flash Patch


    New business:The renewal of LIFE FLIGHT is coming up and asking Dawg if he would be willing to take charge of that again, He agreed. The cost is $65.00 per household. Make checks payable to CVR. Need to be done by early April.

    Good of the Order: Clubhouse has been reserved on July 15th for the celebration of Panheads 75th birthday. Ride on the 16th will be late afternoon to finish off late to see the lights at night.

    Other Business: “Chief” has cards for free dental services offered by ESU Dental Hygiene Department get one if you’re interested.

    Special Forces Group having a dinner on Saturday 4/23 at the Ramada. Cost 45.00. See him if you’re interested.

    A church in Wala Wala has prayer sessions for people stricken with cancer. They have people who have remised and swear by their healing power. They are interested in getting a veteran advocate. If any of our members are interested, please let him know.

    “Ginger” need to replace the hard wire for our clubhouse security cameras. Need help with very tall ladder and people. Will be available to do the work first of the next week. “Precious” and “Chief” volunteered.

    “Fallout” asked if they could put a screen or something over our vent fans to keep the birds out. “Ginger” will see what they can do.

    “Jeramiah” reminded everyone about Friday Game Night and to come out and enjoy.

    Want to do an open house this year, maybe May sometime? Get the community to know us a little better.

    Meeting adjourned: 19:52 hours

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Bryan Post.
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