4/6/2022 General meeting minutes

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  • #519
    Thomas Maley

    4/6/2022 CVR General Meeting Minutes @ 2405 N Dick Road, Spokane Valley, WA


    Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of silence

    Meeting called to order @ 18:35 hours

    Officers Present: Jeff Bragg “Ginger” VP, Tom Maley “Mick” Sec, Bryan Post “Postie” Treasurer, Joe Minor “Jamz” SAA

    Guests: Daytona and Mom Tracy to sell Girl Scout cookies. Justin USMC friend of “Puddles” submitted membership application, Mark Bruce USAF submitted membership application. “Weed’s” daughter Kooper.

    VP Report: Reminded members to always use chain of command and not commit club to any activity without authorization by proper authority. Members are not to talk in public about club business or finances and never to a nonmember.

    Read letter from a vet who knows about CVR and appreciates the work we do for local vets. He gave a $500.00 donation to us and only wanted to be known as “Grumpy old Vet”. Letter and check was presented to us by Connie Fisher, relative of the Korean POW who’s house we rode to and saluted just before his death. “Ginger” has stayed in touch with her.

    Sec Report: Orlin “Rocky” Anderson has retired in good standing with the club due to debilitating medical issues.

    Treasurer Report: Financial statement is available for the members to read, it’s on the E-board table. Reminds members to keep paying their dues.

    Resource Officer: Paid for a night at Quality Inn needed by a Vet after surgery. Assisted a Vet who needed help in making rent.

    SAA: Nothing to report

    Chaplain: Vietnamese community has a dinner on Sun 4/10 at 2111 W Wellesley Ave. vets are invited

    Advocates: “Digger”, not in attendance. / “Panhead”, Nothing. / “Dirt”, Nothing

    Events Coordinator: Commented on “Scout” posting the GTS ride looking for riders. If not conflicting with club rides or events good way to get Patch out. Also reminded members to always use chain of command and not commit club to any activity without authorization by proper authority. Bike blessings on Easter Sunday. More to be said about Banner Project events and Moses Lake in May at next meeting.

    “Ginger” announced BFE ride is on 6/15th. To ride our time is 6/14 – 6/16.

    Auxiliary Report: Have a dinner basket to raffle tonight. Next Aug. meeting Tues 4/26 18:30.

    Club House: “Fallout”, clubhouse is fine. Still has books with photos from the Vietnam war the Northwest Classics MC has left. Anyone who wants one can have one.

    Store: “Kare Bear” thanked everyone for all the help with the Bike Show. Donations and sales were over $1,100.00, cost of booth $300.00, club made money. Still asking for people interested in the camouflage-colored fatigue hats, minimum not meet.

    Rides Committee: “Andy” 4/15 pre ride opener KSU 10:30, Opener 4/23 KSU 10:30. May rides and events. 9/14 escort Moving Wall to Spokane Valley TBD. 4/2 went over route to escort Wall from Valley to Liberty Lake with Spokane Police.

    Sponsors: “Precious”, Cody ready for Flash Patch. “Precious” “Cowboy” out of town “Dawg” Rob has 2 meetings & 2 events “Doghouse” “Puddles” needs rides.


    “Bug” presented Flash patch to “Weed”.

    “Panhead” stood in for “Digger” presented Flash patch to “Meemaw”.

    Old Business & Miscellaneous Topics: LIFE FLIGHT due by 15th get with “Dawg”, tonight, if you want to renew. $65.00 per household. “Dawg” will be at the next 2 Friday game nights and can sign you up then.

    Bike project, “Jamz”, carburetors are being worked on by Mikes Power Sports.

    “Ginger “is chairperson of the POW/MIA committee, “Jeramiah” cochair. Looking for T-shirt designs. New business: Saturday May 7th, “Precious” set up a fund raiser at Yoke’s, Montgomery & Argonne, from 09:00 till 15:00.

    Still planning and working on an open house in June. Want to do it on a Sunday.

    For Good of the Order: Panhead suggested showing some bikes at the Moses Lake Spring Festival, maybe with Moses Lake riders, hasn’t talked to them yet, maybe entry fee, use leftover trophies we have. Asking for members to think about it and talk about it at the May meeting. We will have a booth at the festival. Opening ceremonies at Junior High on Saturday.

    Other Business: “Kare Bear” asked for more participation from members on Friday game night.

    “Just Rob” Thanks members for supporting Daytona and buying cookies, if you want more contact him.

    “Fallout” asked about the Lilac parade, “Bug” said he was lead and no news at this time but we will be in it.

    “Precious” asked the members to be more supportive of club activities and come together more.

    Cody spoke about the church that gave us the padded chairs and Sunny Side hill climes start next month.

    “Puddles” wants to sponsor Justin??????????

    “Tex” said May 1st was “Posti’s” birthday and we should flood him with emails and face book posts.

    Have padded chairs in the trailer, need members to bring them in after the meeting is adjourned.


    Meeting adjourned: 19:52 hours


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