4/5/2023 General meeting minutes
October 21, 2023 at 2:16 pm #569
Thomas Maley
Participant4/5/2023 CVR General Meeting Minutes
Pledge of Allegiance, moment of silence
Meeting called to order @ 18:35 hours 46 present
Officers Present: Jeramiah President, Ginger Vice President, Mick Secretary, Postie and Bug Treasurer, Jamz SAA
Guests: Randal Nedaea
President Report: The Spokane Veterans Forum / Court dinner, we voted to do, on Thursday April 20th has been postponed. The Forum has some funds allotted to them that they have to use or lose so they decided to do the dinner for April and we will do June 15th. The club will still present the Forum with our Donation at the start of their meeting on April 20th.. If you can attend be at the clubhouse @ 17:00 hours. FYI anybody can attend the Forums meetings to show support.
Want to keep reminding members of Dan Kleckner Golf classic in August and the need for a good turnout.
For those who want to attend the Bull Lake Ronde Vue Jeramiah will do a Thursday set up at Bull Lake and ride back to do Kleckners on Friday then head back to Bull Lake after.
Need to get contributions for our POW/MIA ride/event. The more we get the more money we can raise Meetings still ongoing.
We have By-laws for a reason, they tell how we conduct ourselves and business and keep everything running the same way all the time. They apply equally to all members.
VP Report: BFE ride in June 16-18 to be a ride only not a ride/event. BFE lost their clubhouse and has no definite place for those who want to campout. Waiting to find out where ride will start from to locate closest lodging for those who need it. Will post new information as soon as I have any. I purchased all items marked CVR and Combat Vet Riders off of Ebay and Amazon, and they will no longer be available. I will cover all the cost myself and not ask the club for reimbursement.
Sec Report: Will have a full patch meeting on Thursday April 13th at 18:30 hours. Short meeting nothing to vote on, maybe a ride after.
Treasurer Report: Bug raised the issue he has not been getting the necessary documentation needed for repayment of and/or categorizing money spent helping vets. We have CVR forms that need to be filled out in full that will allow reimbursement without a problem. They cover 1) DONATION REQUEST FORM. 2) INDIVIDUAL FINANCIAL DONATION OR GIFT. They will be by the sign-in deck for members to access when they need them.
SAA: Reminded members that everyone who comes in the clubhouse must sign in. Everyone not just members, if you bring friends, family or whomever they all must sign in. Even if you come by yourself just for a minute, sign in. We need to keep track of who was here.
Events Coordinator: Reminded members when you are out in public you are representing the club and should conduct themselves in a way that reflects well for the club. Let him know about any rides or events being promoted by other groups or organizations you think the club may be interested in and he can announce at meetings. Season opener is April 22, clubhouse 09:45. Coming up is the Lilac parade with more details coming in May. This year there is no Moses Lake event for the club.
Rides: Digger explained the rides and events board by the entry door. He and Simo will be updating it monthly or sooner as necessary. Explained the reason for the use of color red and blue for events. Red is asking for max turn out. June 24th-25th ride in Canada, make sure your Passport or Enhanced License is up to dated make reservation very soon for the overnight stay, will return thru Bonners Ferry, only crossing open after 16:00. July 1st Kramer Tour/ Country ride, Mamma Bear spoke about touring the missile silo on their property and going to lunch in Odessa, Ritzville, or Dry Falls. That and times are TBD.
Resource Officer: not present
Chaplain: Strider, John Annal, recuperating from a stroke has moved to Mann-Grandstaff nursing. Building 12 Room 140. Please pay him a visit if you can.
Advocates: Digger: Nothing Just Rob: Nothing Pappy: Nothing
Club House: Fallout: The bar is doing well, clubhouse has been rented out a lot and making money. After meeting would like members to clean up after themselves a little better. Throw waste in trash and not leave on tables.
Store: Kare Bear thanked all who did a shift in the booth at the show. Asked members who stop by to say “Hi” next time please not block the area and keep the show goers from browsing our booth. Found the cash box open and it should always be locked when not needing access. If anyone has an idea about a new item to get let her know.
Fund Raising Committee: Precious has received donations from Barnes and Noble, Swinging Doors, and Harkins Dental. Has arraigned a fund raiser at Yoke’s @ Argonne & Montgomery on May 6th from 09:00 – 15:00. Time needs to be updated on the event board. Talking with Yoke’s Sprague for a date there.
Auxiliary: Arranging a fun raiser at Rosauers sometime in May. Will post when finalized.
Ginger told a story about 10 years ago when he was at the bike show and new to the club, feeling somewhat alone when Steveo came up and spoke with him and how much he appreciated it. Steveo was also his Sponsor.
Jeramiah spoke about 14 years ago the good times they all had with Steveo and we are blessed to have him come back into the club.
Steveo presented his Flash Patch, Precious will be his Sponsor.
Old Business & Miscellaneous Topics: The open house scheduled on April 29th is rescheduled for Saturday June 3rd. Will do the same as last year. Please make time to help. Jeramiah has a high school friend in a custom car club, may participate with a car and bike show. Times will be members, clubhouse 09:00. Public 10:00-15:00.
ABATE Motorcycle Organization is having an Awareness Ride on May 6th. Starts at Clarks Fork restaurant, 1028 N Hamilton, KSU 10:00. President will ride in it. Will be put on the rides and event board with time from clubhouse TBD. The parking for Clarks Fork is street only, no lot. Ride arraigned to make a stop at Yoke’s so the club members who ride can drop off and help with the fund raiser scheduled for the same day.
Friday game night is back on every Friday night with pot luck dinner and more, come on by and say ‘Hi” and have a drink. Last Friday the theme and dinner were Winner Night.
New business: Dawg collecting for Life Flight, $65.00 ea., needs before 4/20. Will be at clubhouse next two Friday nights.
For Good of the Order: This Saturday Stich has the clubhouse again and will be viewing MMA fight night. This time there will be a local fighter in the ring. Stich will be there at 15:00.
Chief: SFG has a dinner on 4/22 and is raffling off a generator for $5.00 a ticket. Don’t need to be present to win.
Puddles has raffle tickets for a Pan Am Harley @ $25.00 ea. Put on by End of Watch.
Hillbilly and family stopped by with newest Son, looks just like him.
Scout: next POW/MIA meeting on 4/24 @ 18:30 hours clubhouse. Taking T-shirt designs from now till July.
Randall wanted to thank the club for allowing him to get his 4-wheel bike into the show. Good response from all who saw it. Talked about maybe able to adapt for disabled to use. Wants to repay the club for their help.
Meeting adjourned: 19:54
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