6/7/2023 General meeting minutes
October 21, 2023 at 2:31 pm #572
Thomas Maley
Participant6/7/2023 CVR General Meeting Minutes @ 2405 N Dick Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Pledge of Allegiance, moment of silence
Meeting called to order @ 18:40hours 64present
Officers Present: Jeramiah President, Ginger Vice President, Mick Secretary, Postie Treasurer, Jamz SAA
Guests: Paul Streitz, Navy, Vietnam. Ramon Guel, Army, Afghanistan. Isaac Presley, army, Iraqis. Justin Steele’s Mom and Grandmom, Stefanie Schuiteman
Jamie Aquino’s cousin Noah Coughlan, does Run for Revival. A 167 Day tribute to the American Soldier on a 3500-mile solo run across the United States from Seattle to Miami from Memorial Day to Veterans Day. This is his 4th Run across America and he will be the Spokane Memorial Arena on June 17th and encourage our members to come out and meet him.
Trish wanted to honor all who served in the military and gave the club a donation from the sales she had at our open house.
President Report: Tex got a quote to do the repairs and leveling of the pool table. Dirt will pay most of it, the club will pay the balance. Children will not be allowed to play pool, or play with the ques or balls, must be 15 years or older to play a game with parental supervision.
VP Report: Just found out that Moose, a longtime member of the Tacoma club B.F.E. just passed away. Our club shares a bond with B.F.E. in that we ride in their club fund raising ride in June and they come over and ride in our POW/MIA ride. A group is riding over next Friday to spend the weekend and ride with them. Tradition is they don’t pay for drinks when here and we don’t pay when over there. This year whatever they raise for our bar tab will be turned over to Moose’s family with L & R.
Sec Report: Open house had 71 guests sign in. Clubs that stopped by, Beyond the Call of Duty, Brothers of the Inferno, GTS, Freedom Riders, Road Zombies, Throttle Therapy, Skater with 173rd association.
Spoke with guests that showed an interest in the club, here tonight is our newest Prospect, Isaac.
Treasurer Report: Nothing at this time.
SAA: As said before, more 1% clubs coming to town if you feel uneasy around them just leave the area. Project bike is about 90% complete and that is as far as we can take it. Needs work done we don’t have the expertise to do. Want to take it to Mike’s Power Sports and get it running. Precious talked with Mike and will get the bike over in a couple of weeks and Mike will get to work on it when he can. Sweed wanted to thank those who worked on it and hopes it’s ready to raffle off by POW/MIA.
Events Coordinator: Simo: Good to hear how the club is getting out and about showing off our patch. Maybe a few can get over to the Arena on the 17th know some will be in Tacoma with B.F.E.
Rides: Digger: Fairfield flag day parade 6/7 KSU 08:30. Tunner volunteered to tow the trailer.
Resource Officer: BBW: Not in attendance
IT: Pyro: The web site is not fully functional yet. Will be working with the builders over the next few weeks about operations and setup then uploading files and photos. Should be operational before the end of the month.
Chaplain: Precious: Keep Strider, who is still in the V.A., Panhead, and my sister-in-law in your prayers.
Bug said Strider’s son will take care of him when he is released and is remodeling and renovating his house to do so. He let him know we will be of any assistance, whatever he needs to get things done.
Advocates: Digger: Let new members and prospects know what advocates do and are there when ever needed
Just Rob: nothing Pappy: nothing
Club House: Fallout: Northwest Classics club has given him a few Books on Desert Storm, free to whomever wants one.
Store: Kare Bear: Any ideas for items let her know, will order POW/MIA shirts when ready. Could use some help on Saturday in Fairfield and with the store overall. Stich volunteered his time when needed.
Will pass around a signup sheet for the different size bike flags that Waterdog is working on
Fund Raising Committee: Precious: Has a fund raiser at Yoke’s in Liberty Lake on 6/17, need volunteer to take over. Hillbilly volunteered.
Auxiliary: June 15th Vets Forum / Court dinner. Will set up for cooking dinners at the clubhouse starting at 14:30. Bring cooked food, salads, desserts, etc. no later than 16:00 The food will leave at 16:30 to deliver and serve at the readiness center. Passing around signup sheet for everything needed.
Teach: Talked about Quilts of Valor being a notion wide effort with small groups everywhere. She is an active member of the local group that actually dose the quilting by hand. Requirements for getting a quilt: must be active service or veteran with either and honorable, general or medical discharge, register on line, only one quilt per person. They need your name, address, phone#, time of service, and campaigns served in. Contact her if interested.
Sponsors: Dawg: Robert, nothing new Digger: Cornfed, needs 1 ride Panhead: Nine, no DD-214 Scout: Justin, needs 1 event 3 rides Bug: Maclin, nothing Scout: Gnomie, 1 meeting 1 ride and time
BREAK: All Patch members stay inside.
VP: Digger is Nine’s employer and is not to be asked about nines statis or level as a prospect or membership.
For 4 to 5 years as an advocate, just want to say, there are things you just don’t say about each other within a club or group. Like it or not.
President: This club is a brotherhood of people with something in common, we all served in the military. This bond can mean a lot to some who served. We just had a Prospect, a good Prospect, Phoenix, Jim, who withdrew his application to this club. He had members who told him some bad info on other members and that he may want to keep them at a distance, not get too friendly with them. This upset him and he could not overcome the feeling it left him with when one brother could talk like that about another brother he was in the same group with. So, he left.
He would not give the names of who he was talking about, so I am talking to everyone, we do not want, or will we put up with members that act this way. If anyone is reported to act this way in the future, they will be in front of a discipline board and action taken.
Some other members, Panhead, Precious, Pyro, Simo, all said about the same, this is a club with brotherhood for all no matter the differences between individuals. One for all, all for one type of comradery.
Voting members only
Bug: Present Skite for full patch.
Tex: Present Tuner for full patch.
Precious: Present Steveo for full patch
Vote on Tunner , Skite and Steveo All accepted unanimously.
Jeramiah & Tex: Present Tunner with Full Patch.
Jeramiah & Bug: Present Skite with Full Patch.
Jeramiah, Precious & Ginger: Present Stevo with Full Patch.
Keirsten Lyons of Fallen Heroes Project was given our donation of $1,000.00.
Rabbit hasn’t been around because of health issues. 10 days ago, his wife had heart attack and had a stent put in and was released, back home doing well. 50th birthday coming in July and wants to invite everyone to attend will let us know of time and location.
Old Business & Miscellaneous Topics: Spokane Veterans Home is having a, Not Forgotten Event on July 4th weekend. Looking for a range of items to be donated. Have a box on the back table with a list of things most needed. Members take a look and see what you can give.
Friday game night with pot luck dinner and more, come on by and say ‘Hi” and have a drink.
New business: June 15th Vets Forum / Court dinner. Will set up for cooking dinners at the clubhouse starting at 14:30. Auxiliary will cook, bring cooked food, salads, desserts, etc. by 16:00. The food will leave at 16:30 to deliver and serve at the readiness center. Still need more members to sign up for everything.
Hillbilly is with the pyrotechnic show for Sandpoint 4th of July come and take a look.
Justin’s mom is giving the club her deceased husbands motorcycle to do with as we please. She felt he would be pleased to see it go to such a good group.
For Good of the Order: POW/MIA committee has most of the licenses acquired, Jessy Quandt will play, need donations, T-shirt designs in by July winner gets $100.00 and a T-shirt, working on route. Next meeting 6/26 @ 18:30 hours.
Throttle Thursday’s clubhouse 17:30 hours.
Tex, Run for the Pony’s scheduled for 6/24 has been canceled due to family issues. For those interested, on 6/17 KSU @ 09:30 from clubhouse to Spokane Memorial Arena to see Noah Coughlan.
Stich, at the end of Fairfield flag day he will have fight night at the clubhouse.
Sweed and group will be playing @ Colville Pour House on 6/24 come by and say “Hi”.
Just Rob June 10 @ 9:00 am – 3:30 pm NEIGHBOR DAY Historic Flight @ Felts Field 5829 E. Rutter Ave., Spokane, WA
Meeting adjourned: 20:35
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