7/20/2023 Full Patch meeting minutes
October 21, 2023 at 2:42 pm #574
Thomas Maley
Participant7/20/2023 CVR Full Patch Meeting minutes @ 2405 N Dick Road, Spokane Valley
Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of silence
Meeting called to order @ 18:32 hours Present: 23
Officers Present: Jeramiah President, Ginger Vice President, Mick Secretary, Postie Treasurer, Jamz SAA
President Report: ABATE had a meeting with food at the clubhouse, had a lot left over, they gave it to the club so we had a second game night on Saturday to tried to use as much as we could. They helped with passing new safe driving laws.
Got an open invitation for club members to attend Alicia Wheeler & Eddie Payne’s wedding on Friday September 29th at the club house. More information available on web site http://www.honeyfund.com.
Recently we have lost 2 prospects close to getting their flash patch. The latest one gave no explanation just left. Reminded all Sponsors to keep in close touch with their prospects and keep them in touch with club activities to make them feel like a part of everything.
Received a letter from the Veterans Forum thanking the club for our donation of $1,000.00 helping them to continue working with veterans that get in trouble with the law.
Received information on a 100% disabled veteran with ALS from Texas who was stranded in Wichita Falls and trying to raise $20,000.00 to get him back home in Texas. Discussed about vetting him and his circumstance before we donate any money. Decided to contact CVMA in his area of Texas for more clarity on everything. Jeramiah will contact and report.
Thanked Precious for a sign he had made up for our Missing Man table, Tunner helped with coating on it.
Vice President Report: Trying to find out what if anything BFE is planning on after Moose’s memorial on the 29th. Early start still planed for ride over 07:00 hours from clubhouse.
Sec Report: Nothing to report.
Treasurer Report: Nothing to report.
SAA Report: Calmed down with new clubs in town but stay vigilant when out.
Events Coordinator: Simo not in attendance.
Rides: Lewiston still on for Saturday with KSU @ 09:00 Hr. club house. Wanted to know how everyone felt about the ice drinks his son did for Newby/Byers ride? Want it again for another event? Was received well by everyone.
Ginger will leave out packs of 0% sugar dry gator aid to mix with H2O for Saturdays ride, stay hydrated.
Resource Officer: not in attendance.
Chaplain: Keep Strider and Dirts wife Darlene in your prayers.
Dawg, there will be a BBQ for Strider at the Community Living Center on 8/2 @ 13:00 Hr.
Fund raising committee: Nothing at this time.
IP: Scout: Working on incorporating Square into the site for POW/MIA as well as donations. Work in progress
Advocates: not in attendance. Scout was in touch with a vet from the Forum who was asking for $1,300.00 for car repairs. Bug found him in our records as already receiving that much money from us earlier. Decision made not to grant request.
Club House: Do not turn the attic fans on, they only bring in hot air. Good idea to make cover for the ac during winter snow. Scout volunteered for the job.
Old Business & Miscellaneous Topics? Need to work out a date to repair the pool table, Tex got a quote of $800.00 + tax. Need to get with Dirt about paying $500.00 to start the job and the club paying the balance on completion of job. Tex is working on it. Scout is getting a $250.00 donation, for the repair, from a financial group, Washington Trust?
Working on tires, a jack, and registration for the trailer. Scout started work on lost title and needs to take it in for some repairs. Bug had questions about who we got the trailer from and how we paid for it. Panhead was able to verify we got it from Laz’s uncle Harold from Montana. Scout was told he just needs a bill of sale by anyone showing an amount and that would be good enough for a title transfer. Bug had questions about that. They need to talk it out after meeting.
New business: Times for Klecner Golf Classic
<span style=”white-space: normal;”> Clubhouse KSU Arrive Opening ceremonies T-off</span>
Fri. 11 05:45 06:15 06:45 07:15 07:30
Sat 12 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 07:45
Members going to Bull Lake will be back for Friday opening only.
Good of the Order: Ginger: Steveo was outside with a life long friend he wanted to introduce to his brothers in the club, say hi before you leave.
Get started on by-law review after web site is complete and running.
Scout: Next Thursday Barmuda ride is his birthday.
Next week Jeramiah is going in for a CT scan. If it looks good, he can finally get the drain removed. Good luck brother.
Meeting adjourned 19:34 hours.
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