7/6/2022 General Meeting Minutes

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  • #541
    Thomas Maley

    7/6/2022 CVR General Meeting Minutes @ 2405 N Dick Road, Spokane Valley, WA


    Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of silence

    Meeting called to order @ 18:35 hours

    Officers Present: Rob Hemming “Jeramiah” P, Jeff Bragg “Ginger” VP, Tom Maley “Mick” Sec, Bryan Post “Postie” Treasurer, Joe Minor “Jamz” SAA

    Guests: Sean Carlson & wife Carlee, friends of Teach, Coast Guard vet, submitted membership app. & DD-214 now a prospect. Aimee Brayman, Stumpy &Teaches daughter. Dave Schuiteman, 21 years in Air Force, said he submitted app. & DD-214 on line, but we have not received yet. Juston a Navy vet and friend of Jeramiah.

    President Report: Think it would be good for our club to help other clubs by joining them in their fund-raising rides. We have open weekends and can try to do once or twice a month. If I don’t know of any, will ask members for club rides, they are interested in going on. At meetings or on line.

    Had a good weekend with the BFE club, a little wet, but they always treat us well. Good for the club to support them as they always come over and support us on our POW/MIA fund-raiser. Precious was able to come back with a $200.00 donation for our club.

    Want to start an early afternoon BBQ or maybe a combination late brunch at the clubhouse on the 2nd  Sunday of the month, make it a Sunday social for members to get together.

    Angie is no longer working in the store and Scout has taken her place working with Kare Bear. If you want to get something from the store you can ask either one. They both have the same access.

    VP Report: Pointed to the wall with our Logo “Vets riding for Vets” and stated not just riding but helping.

    Sec Report: There were 41 signed in guests for the Open House, probably more, sure not all guests signed in. Think it was successful in doing what we had in mind. Noted we had 4 people ask for membership applications. See who will turn up at the July meeting. Try to do once a year.

    Club was well represented at Gary Coopers’ memorial, the only club with more Patched members in attendance was the Soul Patrol. Got the Patch out for other clubs to see.

    Treasurer Report: Financial statement is available for the members to read. Have a new donation form that must be used when receiving donations noting who, what, when and where. Same info needed when asking for reimbursement for personal money spent for the club.

    Resource Officer: Not in attendance.

    SAA: Thanked the members who escorted Kare Bear to Montana. The club was well received and is getting to be known outside of Washington.

    Chaplain: Sister-in-law gave a &50.00 donation. Asked for prayers for Pluto with back problems, Pockets battling cancer, Juston’s father also cancer, Don Juan in a Hospice not doing well, Greg, old member in Lewiston not doing well.

    Advocates: “Digger”, Dealing with some issues, taking it to higher up. / “Panhead”, nothing. / “Dirt”, nothing.

    Events Coordinator: Newby-Beyers ride on 7/9 KSU 10:00 at Newby-ginnings end at the clubhouse. Taz briefly went over the route. August is Sturgis some members will attend. 7/12-14 is Bull Lake campout, also 7/12-13 Kleckner Golf Classic if you don’t do one do the other. 8/20 Laz memorial ride to Murry.

    Auxiliary Report: GEO, passing around sign-up sheets for help with food for Newby-Beyers ride. There won’t be a Women Warriors gathering this year. Rosauers fund raiser was successful helping Christmas for Veterans. Traveling Wall coming to Liberty Lake 9-15/19, POW/MIA route will stop there, club will do escort’s coming in, going out and setting up. Times TBD. 7/23 @ 15:00 a fund raiser at the clubhouse for Wingnut and Kelly to help raise funds for their missionary trip to Israel. Friday @ 18:00 clubhouse cleanup and setup for Saturdays ride. Next meeting Tues, 7/25 at 18:30.

    Club House: Come and help Friday with cleanup and setup.

    Store: Scout, revenue for June up to $576.00. After Friday breakfast will ride to Finlay automotive and receive the $2,00.00 for charity of the month win. Have applied for a $5,000.00 grant from GESA Credit Union. Kare Bear Still looking for camo fatigue hats.

    Rides Committee: Hammer Saturday 7/9 is the Newby/Byers Memorial ride. Wednesday 7/13 2 ferries ride clubhouse 08:30 KSU 09:00. Ride to Lewiston changed from 7/30 to 7/23 for Wrangler grand opening. Not going to Bull Lake go to Kleckner golf classic. Need to fill all 18 holes with bikes. Need to find someone to do Friday morning interview. Spoke about visiting Don Juan in Hospice knowing he doesn’t have much time left, very sad. Straightshot, need to get list of attendees for the banquet ASAP, will get the price per, soon.

    Sponsors: “Andy”, “Nine” needs Advocates help to get DD-214, “Dawg” Rob 3 meetings 3 events “Chief” Justin 4 meetings 1 event “Digger” “Meemaw” needs 1 ride

    All none voting members asked to leave.

    Precious Presented Cowboy for full Patch.

    Vote on Cowboy. 27 yea no nay

    Ginger presented Puddles for full Patch.

    Vote on Puddles. 27 yea no nay


    Tex & Jeramiah gave Mariusz Flash patch & service designator.

    Digger & Jeramiah gave Stich Flash patch & service designator.

    Precious & Jeramiah gave Cowboy Full patch.

    Ginger & Jeramiah gave Puddles Full patch & service designator.

    GEO gave Gemini a Full patch & Auxiliary designator

    Old Business & Miscellaneous Topics: POW/MIA ride is coming up fast and need the club members to start getting out and get items donated for the auctions, raffle and door prizes. Donation letter and form available.

    New business: Panheads 75th birthday party on Friday 7/15. Will do some preparations on Thursday but mainly on Friday. Setup around 15:00, party starts at 17:00 with a free cheese burger and fries to all who attend. Prepared by Surf Shack served till 19:00 if you want another burger, it will cost $8.00. Jesse Quandt band will play. Adult party only after 19:00 till? No presents, if you want to do something make a donation for the band.

    Saturday 7/16 Panheads Past Presidents ride. Will be in the early evening 17:00-18:00? Route will be to downtown Spokane, Division and around to display CVR Patch, back to clubhouse, no given end time.

    Friday 7/29 2 more benches to be dedicated at Gold Star Garden, Spokane Vet center, Mirabeau Pkwy. Time is clubhouse KSU 17:00 to Vet Center, dedication, back to clubhouse. Club received a letter from Ed, the man who makes and transports the benches, asking for donations to help him offset his costs for traveling from California and back. Because he is not a Vet club cannot donate but individuals can, letter with his address left out for those interested.

    For Good of the Order: Sweed, carbs for project bike are in and Mikes Power Sports will rebuild them. Bike should be finished before the POW/MIA and we can raffle or auction it off at the event.


    Meeting adjourned: 20:29 hours


    • This topic was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by DALE CYR.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Thomas Maley.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Thomas Maley.
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