8/2/2023 General meeting minutes
October 21, 2023 at 2:48 pm #575
Thomas Maley
Participant8/2/2023 CVR General Meeting Minutes @ 2405 N Dick Road, Spokane Valley, WA
Pledge of Allegiance, moment of silence
Meeting called to order @ 18:32 hours present:47
Officers Present: Jeramiah President, Ginger Vice President, Mick Secretary, Postie Treasurer, Jamz SAA Guests: A walk in Joe goes by “Hermi” Army vet, was with 15th Cav in Texas, no bike.
Perry Stevens “Hansel” reintroduced himself to the club and said he would like to come out of retirement and now rides a 2018 CanAm spider. Hopes he will be accepted back.
Orlin Anderson “Rocky” reintroduced himself to the club and said he would like to come out of retirement and now rides a Harley trike. Hopes he will be accepted back.
President Report: Ride to Lewiston was good but didn’t have the chance to see Greta and Rusty because they were out of town to consoling a close friend with the loss of a loved one. Did run in to an old friend of the club, Doc Bill.
Talked a wile and got caught up on things, he wanted to say “Hi” to everyone in the club.
Last night we had a Block watch BBQ at the clubhouse and was disappointed that only the few regular members showed up knowing the post was seen by 52 members. Want to have more inter action with our neighbors thru this block watch. They supplied the food and left us the extra unused buns. There was also a Sherif and Fire Department Reps present talking about the watch program. Ask members when they come to the clubhouse take a little extra time to go thru the neighborhood and familiarize yourself with it so if you notice anything or body out of place you can report it.
Went to the Community Living Center at the VA Hospital to have a BBQ lunch with Strider, only one problem, no one knew they had to bring the food. Striders group of Vietnam Veterans from the vet center were also there. We took up a collection and got some pizza for all to eat. Phoenix and his wife were also there helping out. Strider will be discharged on August 14th and move in with his son Joe. The business card for Claudett Becker the local contact for the Veterans History Project: Veterans’ Stories was passed out. If you have a story from your time in service you would like to share and have saved, she is the one to contact.
VP Report: The story behind the chickens goes like this. The first stop on the ride to Eatonville was in Ritsville where Ginger first spotted them for sale in a bin in the mini mart but didn’t buy. Scout was the first to get one and strap on his bike. This prompted Ginger to get an orange one for his bike, Then Nine got a Blue one for his bike and Jamz a black, Precious a yellow, Taz a black one for his. Later Jeramiah got a red one for the car. Digger had escorted them to Ritzville and was witness to all this and that is when he posted the rubber chicken adventure pix. It was all a way to make a long sad ride a little lighter.
The other story was the problems with Precious’s bike. At the stop in Naches, he was low on air in the back tire, filled it up. Stopped in Packwood because it was low again. Couldn’t find a puncture so put in fix a flat and air. Stop in Morton and it had a wobble and was low again. decided should not continue. Some went on to Eatonville and contacted the BFE who luckily had their trailer with them. They went out to Morton and picked up Precious and the bike took it to a friend’s garage with a bike lift. 4 of the members of BFE worked on it. Taking off the back wheel they found 5 broken spokes, the tire was good but the tube was shot. But for unbelievable luck they had a wheel and tire there that fit the bike. The tire was a little wide by it worked. They had to replace one bearing in the wheel, put it on and it was ready to ride. They put up Precious for the night. He rode to Morton in the morning to regroup with those going back home. All those involved with helping Precious refused any payment for parts, gas, time, or anything. It was all done out of the bond between the clubs Ginger started about four years ago. We would do the same for them. As a way to say Thank You for all that they did Precious had a wheel from a Sportster he didn’t need and he drove over on Monday and gave to them.
Congratulations went out to Nine because for the first time in three tries he made the trip over and back on his bike.
Sec Report: Full patch is CV, SV, KA & Hon. Voting members is CV & SV only.
Treasurer Report: Nothing at this time.
SAA: All is quiet, nothing at this time.
Events Coordinator: Simo: Saturday @ 11:00 Never Forgotten Garden dedication & BBQ at the Spokane vet center. Kleckner golf classic KSU from clubhouse Friday 8/11 06:00, Saturday 8/12 06:30. 8/19 Laz memorial ride.
Big Bear Classic Golf benefiting Newby-Gunning’s is KSU from clubhouse Friday 8/25 06:30 Saturday 8/26 06:00 and 12:00. September, Farragut camp out TBD. 9/16 POW/MIA club ride and event.
Scout: next POW/MIA meeting is Monday 8/21 @ 18:30 hours. Need all donations in by then. No baskets, will be building them ourselves. Need individual items for them.
Rides: Digger: Laz memorial ride, route and times TBD.
Resource Officer: BBW: Help a vet with money for rent, a vet caregiver with eye care. Will help a vet with vehicle registration.
Dirt was contacted by a vet who needed transportation to Doc appointment, and was very appreciative for the ride given.
Jeramiah was also contacted by a Vets wife who needed a way to get a new wheelchair home for him. Precious and Jeramiah loaded up trailer and got it for them.
Chaplain: Precious: Thanked the angle who was looking over him on the Eatonville ride. Keep in mind and say a prayer for Razor’s mom Minnie who is ill, and our brother Panhead to stay in good health.
Fund Raising Committee: Precious: Nothing at this time.
Advocates: Digger: Nothing Just Rob: Zombies ride was good Pappy: Thanked all who helped him on the last ride.
IT: Pyro: The forum may be running by Friday. If it is you will get an email with information on logging in. Please log in and try using all the features as much as you can, we want to find out any and all the problems that come up. Please email me with any problem you encounter. Asked about our mission statement was told Stan “Dynaman” had copy of original.
Club House: Tink: Revenue is good but we have a mouse problem. Believe they are nesting outside but come in to scavenge for food. Need to dump garbage every night.
Store: Kare Bear: Everything is OK, working on POW/MIA inventory and will take personal orders for T-shirts for that event.
Sponsors: Dawg: Robert, no contact, changed number. Dawg: Isaac, next e-board up for flash patch.
Digger: Cornfed, needs 1 ride Bug: Maclir, bike problems Bug: Runaway, working hard at it. Tex: Conda, needs1
ride and 1 event Panhead: Nine, DD-214 Chief: Scout: Justin needs endorsement.
Auxiliary: Nothing at this time
Teach: Will be presenting Quilts of Valor first thing on our 9/6 meeting. Has been working on quilts and the written history of the veteran who will be receiving them.
Jeramiah: Showed the first banner he had made. It was for Stumpy with a photo of him, his road name and birth and death dates. Will be hanging from rear rafters facing the flag.
Hillbilly: His phone broke down had to get a new one, so now he’s back up and running. There is a documentary airing on 8/10 about one of the worst helicopter crashes that happened during his deployment, it’s very informing if your so inclined take a look at it.
BREAK: Voting members stay inside: Talk about “Hansel” coming out of retirement on 3-wheels, only 2-wheel endorsement. Insurance is not going to cover him without endorsement. “Rocky” good with endorsement and insurance.
Jeramiah: Welcomed back “Rocky” as a full CV member again.
“Hansel” was told he would have to wait until he gets his 3-wheel endorsement then he will be welcomed back. He understood.
POW/MIA committee: Scout: Nothing more to say.
Ginger, the winner of the POW/MIA T-shirt contest was Hillbilly’s daughter. She was called up and he presented her with the $100.00 prize money.
Old Business & Miscellaneous Topics: Have received a request to RSVP by 8/15 for Eddie Payne’s wedding at the clubhouse on September 29th at 18:00 hours. They have an on-line wedding web site you can reply to. Panhead said everyone was invited and expected so don’t worry about RSVPing.
Pool table repair, Tex is still waiting for a date to be arranged, working on it.
Scout update on trailer: work in process.
New business: Saturday 8/5 @ 11:00 Spokane Vet Center, Never Forgotten Garden dedication and BBQ. Need head count to RSVP for BBQ. 17 raised their hands to confirm. This is not considered a ride or an event. Clubhouse 10:00 KSU 10:30.
For Good of the Order: When at WINCO Jeramiah ran into Dick & Barbie they wanted to say “Hi” to everyone.
Sweed and Heather’s daughter is going on a European trip and he is starting a fund raiser for her. He will be playing
At Iron Goat Brewing Co. on Saturday 8/26 @ 19:00. Will be posting an event for it. Come by and help if you can.
Project bike is running but not ridable yet. Precious has the gas tank at his house and is cleaning it up. Has run a couple of clean up solutions thru it to remove rust. Still needs to put in a liner coat, then it will be ready. Maybe do a raffle on next year’s POW/MIA event.
Meeting adjourned: 20:21
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