May 1ST 2024 General meeting minutes

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  • #651
    Darian Allen


    General meeting minutes.

    MAY 01, 2024

    Call to order: 1830                                                    Members/auxiliary & guests: 62.

    Officers present: President; Jeremiah, Vice President; Ginger, Sargent at arms; Jams, Secretary; Dawg, Treasure; Postie and Bug, Advocates; just Rob, Digger and Steveo.

    Pledge, Moment of silence: SA.

    President’s report:

    Open house Saturday June 1ST

    Spokane Valley Library memorial garden is an event.

    Rides and events are up on the board.

    When the Outreach center is rented, if you must enter use the back door. It is preferred that we do not go inside the Outreach center at all unless you were invited. (They rented the Outreach center).

    Tuner built a dog run. The dog run is open to all members. Clean up after your puppies, if you take your puppy into the Outreach center and it sheds a lot of hair sweep it up.

    Next ride committee meeting is May 13, 1830.

    Vice president’s report:

    Next byelaws committee meeting. Date: TBD.

    Sargent at arms report:

    Anything the SA says comes from the E-Board or the president. Therefor the deviation from the Byelaws has already been authorized.

    Status on both bikes. (1999 V-Star 650, Yamaha is in the Outreach center.)

    Secretary’s report:

    Need to know who our AMA members are. Please put your member number on the list at the break. If you have one and I don’t have it, please e mail me your number at

    Need voting members to stay inside at the break.

    Treasurer’s report:

    Postie: Not present: Happy Birthday Brother.


    Need people to get caught up on dues for 2023, we are 5 months into a new year.

    Advocates report:

    Just Rob: nothing.

    Digger: All quiet.

    Stevo: nothing.

    Resource report:

    Pretty quiet, still helping some Vets.

    Ride committee:

    Gnomie stepped up to be the lead.

    Outreach center report:

    The Outreach center is rented the following days.

    5-4 122-2200

    5-11 Freedom riders. 1000 – they are done.

    5-14 Abate 1830 on.

    5-18 Graduation party 1300 – 2200+

    Store report: nothing.

    Auxiliary report:

    Auxiliary fund raiser for Vets and their families. Inaugural Spaghetti feed. Friday May 17TH starts at 1800. $10.00 a plate. Will go into game night. Come help us help Vets.

    Memorial wreaths for Memorial Day, club and auxiliary split the cost.

    Chaplin’s report:

    Strider is doing a lot better, Keep Push, Pyro, Panhead, Tink and Drill Sgt. In your prayers.

    Passed out a questioner. Would like everyone who is willing to fill one out. No names so anomalous


    Sponsors report:

    Panhead – Nine. Need 1 ride. Also awarded the off-road champ trophy and a almost crashing sucks patch.

    Tex – Conda. By a vote of 44 Yea and 0 Nea.

    Precious – Bear. Needs 1 ride.

    Steveo – Delano. Received his Flash patch.

    Digger – Anne Hooper.

    Tuner -John Drury.

    New business:

    POW/MIA: Scout: T-shirt designs are due by the June meeting.

    This year’s prize is $150.00.

    Next POW / MIA meeting is June 3RD 1830.

    Old business:

    Good to the order:

    BFE ride. Leave the Outreach center on 6-14 return 6-16. KSU, TBD.

    Uncle Sams Grand reopening and customer appreciation day. 5-4-24 Outreach center at 1100 KSU 1130.

    Ride to Palouse Falls 5-11-24 Outreach center 0900 KSU 0930.

    Armed Forces ride 5-18-24 Outreach center 0900 KSU 0930.

    Meeting adjourned: 2005 hrs.

    • This topic was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by Darian Allen.
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