6/1/2022 General meeting minutes
October 20, 2023 at 12:09 pm #554Thomas MaleyParticipant
6/1/2022 CVR General Meeting Minutes @ 2405 N Dick Road, Spokane Valley, WA
Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of silence
Meeting called to order @ 18:38 hours
Officers Present: Rob Hemming “Jeramiah” P, Jeff Bragg “Ginger” VP, Tom Maley “Mick” Sec, Bryan Post “Postie” Treasurer
Guests: Stich’s son Jake
President Report: Thanked club members Digger, Jamz, Just Rob and prospect Justin, who carried the flags and family who carried banners in the Lilac Parade. Would like to use a vehicle or trailer for carrying the flags in the parade in the future. Digger mentioned he had a Bronco to use, Panhead said his neighbor had a duce and a half we could use. It was considered a good idea and will work on it in the year to come.
Thanks to everyone who went on the pre ride to Moses Lake, and for all who came out for the parade and helped out with the booth. We were awarded “The Most Patriotic Booth” at the festival. This maybe the last time we attend Moses Lake festival. Thanks to those who went on our Memorial Day ride. Digger did a good job leading us as road captain. The route he chose was direct and we stayed on the planed time schedule. Thanks to Auxiliary for setting up and starting BBQ. Bringing salads, and deserts. Will do Idaho side this Saturday.
Want to get club Patches back from club members who have not been participating in rides, events, and meetings whether or not they pay dues.
Auxiliary wants more help from members with food for meetings. Asked members to step up and bring a side dish.
VP Report: We had 5 full patch members myself (Ginger), Precious, Andy, Tex, Dawg, and 3 flash patch Puddles, Weed and Cowboy show up at Lone Wolf to escort the Beyond the Call of Duty-End of watch trailer out of Spokane to start on their rolling memorial for fallen officers. We had the most patch riders there. I coined the event President before we started the escort and spoke about our POW/MIA event coming up. We left them in Retzville when He coined me and said they will be back in town August 18th and will try to go on the POW/MIA ride. This was a good showing for the club.
Sec Report: Nothing
Treasurer Report: Did well at both fund raisers. Financial statement is available for the members to read, it’s on the E-board table. Reminds members to keep paying their dues.
Resource Officer: Not in attendance. Told board member he helped 2 veterans last month.
SAA: Not present.
Chaplain: Asked for prayers for Pluto.
Pluto: Going over to Seattle to go thru neurological testing for the seizures he’s been experiencing. Try to get a diagnosis for the Dementia like symptoms he has been going thru. Can’t ride right now and maybe not ever. He and Gypsy are selling house and need help with repairs and moving.
Sign up sheet for members who can help was started and passed around.
Advocates: “Digger”, Dealing with some issues, OK, no details given. / “Panhead”, His Brother-in-Law Glenn was so happy when the club showed up at his house. It brought back a lot of good memories. He wanted to say Thank You / “Dirt”, Won 1st place in the motorcycle show at Moses Lake.
Events Coordinator: 6/4 Memorial ride in Idaho KSU 11:00. 6/11 Fairfield Flag Day parade KSU 09:30, President has registration for parade and will nail shortly. 6/12 Open House 12:00, StateLine Bikers will be here, has 325 interested or going on event page.
Taz: Newby-Beyers ride on 7/9 KSU 10:00 at Newby-gunning’s end at the clubhouse. Registration $20.00, T-shirts $25.00. Has fliers to hand out on sign in table. No online registration at Newby-Gunning’s, clubs forum site not yet active.
Auxiliary Report: GEO, passing around sign-up sheets for upcoming events with what we need help with. Having a fund raiser on 6/18 at Rosauers from 09:00-14:00 for Christmas for veterans, would like to have help from members. Friday 7/15 Panheads birthday, 7/16 past presidents ride Panhead is lead. Have 2 biker coats hanging in the store, free for the taking. Next meeting Tues, 6/28 at 18:30.
Club House: Clubhouse is reserved for Northwest Classics MC Sunday 6/5.
Store: “Kare Bear” thanks for the help at Moses Lake, raffle and donations netted $1,701.00 the store got $610.00. Have lots of support and general public hoodies need to sell more of. Still looking for camo fatigue hats.
Rides Committee: Hammer 6/8 KSU 10:00 Sandpoint for lunch, contact Kenny Hunt @ VFW would like to cook burgers & dogs for all who show up. 6/17 KSU 11:00 Steptoe butt with lunch @ Harvester in Spangles. Saturday 6/25 KSU 09:30 Dam ride, grand Coulee dam.
IT: The forum is back running; the owner of our service was hit with covid 19 and down for a while. The Newby-Beyers ride link on the forum is not hooked up yet will let us know when it is. Forum is free to post on for everyone, remover need for authorization. Let him know if you want to go on the BFE ride 6/17-19. Anyone still having problems with the forum talk with him during break.
Sponsors: “Precious”, Cody lagging a little. “Precious,” “Cowboy” in town for medical reasons will patch soon. “Bug” “Weed” working on patch. “Andy”, “Nine” needs DD-214 ready to present for Flash, “Digger” “Stich” will present for flash. “Dawg” Rob 3 meetings 2 events “Tex” Mariusz ready for flash. “Chief” Justin OK “Digger” “Meemaw” OK.
Andy: Presented “Pappy” with crashing sucks patch.
All none voting members asked to leave.
“Ginger” During the fund raiser at Rosauers there were 3 complaints to the manager from customers who felt intimidated by us. We made more than $1,900.00 at Yoke’s and over $3,100.00 at Rosauers and we don’t want to lose the use of these facilities for fund raising. We need to spread out more, not block the entrance doorways. Just say “Hi” and only talk about our mission if asked by the person.
Our cut belongs on our back and not on a chair, bench or anywhere else. The clubhouse is not an exception to this rule. Not to be worn in a car, maybe exceptions when driving in club event with frequent stops. Case by case decision.
Old Business & Miscellaneous Topics: “Dirt” wants to make it clear LIFE FLIGHT won’t cover ground transportation, only does air.
Bike project update, Jamz will be lead on project. He has ordered a replacement set of carburetors should be in soon. Sweed had no problem with that.
New business: Sunday June 12th open house from 12:00 till? We have fliers that need to get out, post on face book. Kate from Stateline Biker will set up, Justin & Cody will man BBQ. Need members to come out and be hosts for the guests. Will need help to clean up the clubhouse. Will post a day on face book. Ginger will work on getting the weeding done Hammer will bring in propane torch for weeds.
For Good of the Order: Cowboy has trailer to use for moving Plutos furnishings. Dirt told of old member Dai wee had passed away last week. Nothing known about services yet but will keep everyone informed. Digger was looking for a hay trailer with steerable front axle for lilac parade. Club won Findlay Charity of the Month for May and will receive $2,000.00.
Meeting adjourned: 20:25 hours
- This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Thomas Maley.
- This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Thomas Maley.
- This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Thomas Maley.
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